Industry: Construction, Interior design
Usage: Floors, Roofs

Fantastico Juparana Polished Granite


Granite is a common type of felsic (rich in silicate minerals and magma), intrusive, igneous rock (magmatic), that is granular and phaneritic in texture (whose microstructure is made up of crystals). Granites are predominantly white, pink, or gray in color, depending on their mineralogy. Fantastico Juparana is an elegant natural granite, with unique color and texture. The origin of its name is found in the Brazilian lake Juparana, near the stone quarry from which it is extracted. It is higly resistant, easy to install and maintain. Indoor applications: bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, stairs, fireplaces, etc. Outdoor applications: facade, fences, home bases, etc. Size: 60x30x1cm

Aspect details
Glossiness Glossy
Translucence 0 - 50%
Texture Smooth
Compostable No
Recyclable No
Biodegradable No
Lightweight No
Renewable No
Carbon footprint -
Recycled content -
Toxicity -
Technical details
Hardness Hard
Structure N/A
Acoustics N/A
Format 2D - Sheet
Odor Unknown
Temperature Cool
Antibacterial No
Scratch resistence Moderate
Fire resistence Good
UV resistence Good
Water resistence Good
Abrasion resistence Poor
Skid resistence N/A